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 So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky?

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Husky Collector

Female Join date : 2009-12-13
Location : South Fl

So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky? - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky?   So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky? - Page 4 EmptySun Jul 01, 2012 5:30 pm

Juturna67 wrote:
Why are Huskies "NOT OFF LEASH DOGS"?

Their predatory drive and stubborn, willful nature makes them unreliable off-leash.

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Female Join date : 2012-07-01

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PostSubject: Re: So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky?   So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky? - Page 4 EmptySun Jul 01, 2012 6:21 pm

arooroomom wrote:
Juturna67 wrote:
Why are Huskies "NOT OFF LEASH DOGS"?

Their predatory drive and stubborn, willful nature makes them unreliable off-leash.

How did you get the dog the middle's coat to be brown and black? It's gorgeous!
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Ms. Amicable

Female Join date : 2009-05-20
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So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky? - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky?   So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky? - Page 4 EmptySun Jul 01, 2012 6:38 pm

Juturna67 wrote:
arooroomom wrote:
Juturna67 wrote:
Why are Huskies "NOT OFF LEASH DOGS"?

Their predatory drive and stubborn, willful nature makes them unreliable off-leash.

How did you get the dog the middle's coat to be brown and black? It's gorgeous!
It's a very rare husky coat color. Kristina doesn't breed, she adopts her dog... so it was by no fault of her own that Mickey is a black and tan Wink

It's a husky thing... you wouldn't understand.

So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky? - Page 4 Hailey10
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Female Join date : 2012-07-01

So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky? - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky?   So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky? - Page 4 EmptyMon Jul 02, 2012 5:16 am

Koda wrote:
Juturna67 wrote:
arooroomom wrote:
Juturna67 wrote:
Why are Huskies "NOT OFF LEASH DOGS"?

Their predatory drive and stubborn, willful nature makes them unreliable off-leash.

How did you get the dog the middle's coat to be brown and black? It's gorgeous!
It's a very rare husky coat color. Kristina doesn't breed, she adopts her dog... so it was by no fault of her own that Mickey is a black and tan Wink

I wish it was more common. I just fell in love with that dog haha. Gorgeous.
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Female Join date : 2012-07-04
Location : Missouri

So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky? - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky?   So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky? - Page 4 EmptyThu Jul 05, 2012 3:37 am

Where was this thread before I got my husky and he stole my heart!?!
My warnings, Hmm where to begin?
1. A husky isn't a first timers dog, if you haven't had a dog before or wasn't involved in raising a dog of a calmer breed DON'T get a husky!

2. I agree with the post above about how huskies need to be a family choice. I actaully just got kicked out of my house because my mom said it was either me or my baby. I chose my baby! It's the hair that drove her crazy, be prepared!! Nothing you can really do about it! You will be brushing your husky and vacuuming at least every other day if not every day!

3. Now I said I needed this before I got my baby, not because it would have changed my mind on a husky! When you are in love with this breed for 13 years nothing really changes your mind about them! Well at least not for me! I had no clue they weren't leash dogs, I did my research about this breed but I guess I either ignored it or they never came out and said it directly, but all my dogs had been off the leash dogs so I thought Vegas would be fine! I was wrong! He ran off after we had only had him for a week! I cried and cried running after him barefoot in woods, driving around looking for him, (we lived on a busy highway I was so worried!) staring out the window till he finally came back! Has not been off the leash since! So yes MUST BE ON A LEASH AT ALL TIMES!!!

5. Crate crate crate crate CRATE! Did I say that enough? Vegas has eaten everything from college textbooks to my computer charger! You can't leave them alone without them destroying something! Don't listen to the people that say it is cruel it's for their own safety. Since they will eat anything, they can really hurt them selves.

6. This is the worst!!! Be ready for cuteness overboard!! If Vegas does something wrong I am the first to defend him! I will also get mad at who ever is telling him no, it's been the hardest part of having a husky. Trying to be "in charge!" I love him and he is so cute I see no wrong in him, even after he eats my stuff animals. You can't let their cuteness blind you!

You have been warned!!

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Female Join date : 2012-07-01

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PostSubject: Re: So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky?   So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky? - Page 4 EmptyThu Jul 05, 2012 5:23 am

katirhodes wrote:
Where was this thread before I got my husky and he stole my heart!?!
My warnings, Hmm where to begin?
1. A husky isn't a first timers dog, if you haven't had a dog before or wasn't involved in raising a dog of a calmer breed DON'T get a husky!

2. I agree with the post above about how huskies need to be a family choice. I actaully just got kicked out of my house because my mom said it was either me or my baby. I chose my baby! It's the hair that drove her crazy, be prepared!! Nothing you can really do about it! You will be brushing your husky and vacuuming at least every other day if not every day!

You have been warned!!

I'm not sure if I got lucky or not. My Husky, albeit it's a mix, is really mellow. She's an outside/indoor(outside mostly) dog and so far she hasn't torn up anything or chewed up my dads plants and flowers in the backyard. The reason I say I'm not sure if I'm lucky or not is because maybe the previous owners tormented her when she did stuff like this and now she's just frightened to do things like that. She also sleeps most of the time when I am not with her. Maybe it's the medication that she is currently on for kennel cough that is making her this way. We'll see in a few weeks when she is off the meds!
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Female Join date : 2012-05-13
Location : Colorado Springs, CO

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PostSubject: Re: So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky?   So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky? - Page 4 EmptyThu Jul 05, 2012 5:32 am

Huskies can be mellow, this post is really just prepping people for worst case scenarios, haha. Mine are mellow as well and don't tear up anything and are free to roam whatever and have a dog door. There's a lot of other low key huskies on here too.
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Female Join date : 2012-07-01

So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky? - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky?   So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky? - Page 4 EmptyThu Jul 05, 2012 5:38 am

Heather! wrote:
Huskies can be mellow, this post is really just prepping people for worst case scenarios, haha. Mine are mellow as well and don't tear up anything and are free to roam whatever and have a dog door. There's a lot of other low key huskies on here too.

That's good to know! This is what my girl was doing when I brought her in because of the fireworks.
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She fell asleep while I watched We Need To Talk About Kevin. Razz
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Female Join date : 2012-07-04
Location : Missouri

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PostSubject: Re: So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky?   So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky? - Page 4 EmptyThu Jul 05, 2012 5:45 am

Juturna67 wrote:
Heather! wrote:
Huskies can be mellow, this post is really just prepping people for worst case scenarios, haha. Mine are mellow as well and don't tear up anything and are free to roam whatever and have a dog door. There's a lot of other low key huskies on here too.

That's good to know! This is what my girl was doing when I brought her in because of the fireworks.

My husky is also very mellow! Well after the first few minutes of me getting home or new people coming over. He just has separation anxiety, so he chews when we leave him alone and he only chews up the last thing we where using! Then he has the high prey drive so once a little critter is around he would be gone without the leash. He actually ripped the leash out of my hands one night chasing after a rabbit, luckily he got tangled up in some trees! Being a husky owner has really made me not like small animals!
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Female Join date : 2012-05-13
Location : Colorado Springs, CO

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PostSubject: Re: So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky?   So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky? - Page 4 EmptyThu Jul 05, 2012 7:17 am

Juturna67 wrote:
Heather! wrote:
Huskies can be mellow, this post is really just prepping people for worst case scenarios, haha. Mine are mellow as well and don't tear up anything and are free to roam whatever and have a dog door. There's a lot of other low key huskies on here too.

That's good to know! This is what my girl was doing when I brought her in because of the fireworks.
So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky? - Page 4 Photo2gh

She fell asleep while I watched We Need To Talk About Kevin. Razz

Haha, this is my dogs 98% of the time. They wrestle a bit and we go for walks when it's not so hot that I'll melt, but otherwise, sprawled across the floor somewhere!
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Female Join date : 2011-07-24
Location : Los Angeles

So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky? - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky?   So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky? - Page 4 EmptyThu Jul 05, 2012 2:19 pm

Juturna67 wrote:
Heather! wrote:
Huskies can be mellow, this post is really just prepping people for worst case scenarios, haha. Mine are mellow as well and don't tear up anything and are free to roam whatever and have a dog door. There's a lot of other low key huskies on here too.

That's good to know! This is what my girl was doing when I brought her in because of the fireworks.
So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky? - Page 4 Photo2gh

She fell asleep while I watched We Need To Talk About Kevin. Razz

Awww! Sweet pic! Also know that dogs from shelters take weeks to settle in, so they may come out of their shell more in a couple weeks once they settle in and feel comfortable (which is why it's important to set the house rules early and often). The kennel cough may also be making her more calm. Like everyone said - all huskies are different which is why I like to promote adoption of adult huskies that fit someone's lifestyle. Smile

That said...never trust a husky. Wink Be one step ahead to keep them out of trouble. That will prevent them destroying things, eating stuff, running off, hurting themselves, etc. If you think "they couldn't possibly...", figure that they'll achieve it. Part of having a super intelligent dog! Smile
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Female Join date : 2012-08-25
Location : NYC

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PostSubject: Re: So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky?   So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky? - Page 4 EmptyMon Aug 27, 2012 9:54 pm

Potty Training is hard, I have potty trained many many dogs but Thunder is stubborn. I SWEAR HE THINKS THE HOUSE IS IS TOILET. Also they do not realize there size, he try's to play with a min poodle and min pin as if he was a 5 pound dog, for there safety we discourage this. I must say he is a loving mush ball and when he decides to hear you he obeys very well for a four month old hyper-active puppy =-). Love him.
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Freya's Mummy
Freya's Mummy

Female Join date : 2012-05-31
Location : Western Australia

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PostSubject: Re: So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky?   So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky? - Page 4 EmptyTue Aug 28, 2012 4:49 am

I've never experienced a dog with such a sensative tummy.
Freya gets diarrhea at the drop of a hat. If she eats anything that is outside of her normal diet she is gassy and you can tell she has a sore tummy.
She stole some of the cats food and had diarrhea for 2 days. She ate the crusts off my son's plate and was so gassy I nearly had to evacuate the house.

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Female Join date : 2012-06-07
Location : Cheyenne, Wyoming

So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky? - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky?   So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky? - Page 4 EmptyTue Aug 28, 2012 12:33 pm

Hummm . . . Advice for potential new husky owners in no particular order . . .

1. Learn the phrase "Oh Well" before you get your husky. . . as in "Oh Well I didn't really like that flower anyway." or "Oh Well I didn't want grass to grow there and the hole is so much nicer" or "Oh Well I never really liked those shoes anyway!" If you fret over everything they do, it will drive you nuts!

2. Have a great sense of humor! If you can't laugh when your husky does something they are not supposed to do you will be miserable!

3. Forget vacuuming. Vacuuming while your husky is blowing a coat is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing. A COMPLETE WASTE OF YOUR TIME!

4. They all have "Husky Ears." I don't mean the cute way their ears stand up, I mean when they choose not to listen and don't be fooled it is a CHOICE!

5. If they can get to it, they will eat ANYTHING and EVERYTHING and if its something they shouldn't eat (i.e. socks, cat food, etc.) it WILL upset their stomach. Husky proofing your house is much harder than baby proofing your house. And don't be one of those people that are like "I will just teach my husky not to touch things he/she isn't supposed to." Believe me they will go after the things they are not supposed to have FIRST!

6. Training has to be fun and challenging for a husky. If you want your husky to learn a new trick YOU have to make it fun and challenging for your husky. If you don't, your husky will become bored and ignor you.

7. DO NOT CHASE YOUR HUSKY. They think this is a game and will run from you. And unless you are really fast and have great stamina, they will OUTRUN you!

8. Get a crate and USE it! I know people think this is mean, but in all seriousness, is it nice to take your husky to the vet for surgery when they eat something they shouldn't. I tell people that Saphire's crate is for her safety and my sanity. Lets face it, eating couch cushions isn't good for either of us.

9. Get a Leash and USE it! As already stated husky's are NOT OFF LEASH DOGS! See number 7 for more information!!

10. A Tired Husky is a Good Husky! They need exercise AND mental stimulation. If you can't provide these DO NOT GET A HUSKY! This isn't about the size of your house or your yard. This is about your willingness to get off your behind and play with and exercise your dog. You don't have to be a RUNNER but you do have to get up and move with your husky!

11. Be prepared for a shadow. I don't mean the flat kind that you can easily walk over. I mean the kind that you trip over everytime you turn around. When you are home, your husky is going to want to be near you. This applies especially for the bathroom and the kitchen.

12. If you are not STUBBORN AND PATIENT by nature, practice practice practice before getting your husky. These are two traits that are absolutely necessary for a husky owner!

13. MOST IMPORTANTLY . . . Be prepared for the love of your life. There is nothing in the world like the love from your husky! (And I have kids . . .LOL)
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Female Join date : 2011-12-26
Location : Alexandria, VA

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PostSubject: Re: So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky?   So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky? - Page 4 EmptyTue Aug 28, 2012 12:51 pm

^^^^LOL well said!
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Female Join date : 2011-02-10
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PostSubject: Re: So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky?   So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky? - Page 4 EmptyTue Aug 28, 2012 1:10 pm

dbingham12 wrote:

9. Get a Leash and USE it! As already stated husky's are NOT OFF LEASH DOGS! See number 7 for more information!!

"See number 7 for more information!" That just made me laugh!

Regarding #7, I'm not sure I have ever known anyone who has the stamina to catch an escaping husky. So, you are very right, it is best to never find yourself having to attempt this! (She speaks from experience!) So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky? - Page 4 1625187496
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Female Join date : 2011-07-24
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PostSubject: Re: So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky?   So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky? - Page 4 EmptyTue Aug 28, 2012 2:14 pm


For #7 - yup - not off leash! Train them on recall but understand that a husky may not listen. So also train them to chase YOU as a game, just in case they do get away from you! Plus, the chase training is good exercise in the yard or dog park, for both of you!
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Male Join date : 2012-12-05
Location : New York

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PostSubject: Re: So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky?   So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky? - Page 4 EmptySat Feb 09, 2013 7:56 pm

I can't believe no mentioned the jumping yet. I'm a tall guy, 6'1 and Bella can jump high enough to snout punch me in the face. I have found nothing short of a door stops her from going into a room. I have to crate her when I feed my cat otherwise she'll steal the cat's food. My basic rule of thumb, if my cat can get on a surface, so can Bella and if there's food up there or anything that smells like food, or anything you don't want her getting into there she will have it. Bella just recently opened my sink cabinet to get at some body spays there were there. She still smells like them and that was a week ago....
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Female Join date : 2013-01-06
Location : Cincinnati, OH

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PostSubject: Re: So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky?   So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky? - Page 4 EmptyWed Feb 13, 2013 1:31 am

This is a great page. I read about huskies before we got Cash but had no idea what I was in for. There are days, like tonight, when I am in tears because I have no idea what to do with my 4 month old crazy man. I ADORE my dog, but was not prepared for the time and constant attention. How did everyone else deal with the constant need for being watched and attention or am I doing something wrong? I love this dog but he gets SO WILD no matter how much I run him (in the yard), play ball, walk, give kongs, treats, play, affection, etc..... I'm at a loss. But I'm giving the wrong impressions, I LOVE LOVE LOVE my dog, I just want to make the best life for him. If he was just a tiny bit calmer.... He's very vocal which I can handle. He barks quite a bit, which we're working on. It's just the need for constant movement that I am struggling with.....

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Female Join date : 2012-09-21
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PostSubject: Re: So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky?   So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky? - Page 4 EmptyWed Feb 13, 2013 1:50 am

Do you work on obedience training with Cash? That is good mental stimulation. Has he had all he shots? You might want to take him to puppy school. I don't know where you live in Cincy but I had a really good trainer. I'd be happen to give you more information. You might like the book My Smart Puppy. It has lots of training exercises.
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Female Join date : 2011-08-25
Location : Santa Cruz, California

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PostSubject: Re: So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky?   So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky? - Page 4 EmptyWed Feb 13, 2013 1:56 am

Azurebluedolphin wrote:
This is a great page. I read about huskies before we got Cash but had no idea what I was in for. There are days, like tonight, when I am in tears because I have no idea what to do with my 4 month old crazy man. I ADORE my dog, but was not prepared for the time and constant attention. How did everyone else deal with the constant need for being watched and attention or am I doing something wrong? I love this dog but he gets SO WILD no matter how much I run him (in the yard), play ball, walk, give kongs, treats, play, affection, etc..... I'm at a loss. But I'm giving the wrong impressions, I LOVE LOVE LOVE my dog, I just want to make the best life for him. If he was just a tiny bit calmer.... He's very vocal which I can handle. He barks quite a bit, which we're working on. It's just the need for constant movement that I am struggling with.....

What are you doing about mental activity? Like interactive food games or training sessions. Working their brain can sometimes tire them out more than physical activities. Look into interactive treat dispensing toys (brands like Kyjen, and Nina Ottosson). Short, but intense, training sessions are always helpful at calming a pup. Work on things like sit, down, leave it, drop it, wait, gentle (and a release command, mines "EAT" for everything). And then there are always the fun tricks like spin, rollover, speak, etc.
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Female Join date : 2013-01-06
Location : Cincinnati, OH

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PostSubject: Re: So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky?   So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky? - Page 4 EmptyWed Feb 13, 2013 2:07 am

We do work on obedience...he has sit perfectly. Lay down is coming along, let go is 50/50, he knows wait as well. We will work on some others too. I will look into the treat dispensing toys thanks! He likes the kongs but he has had so am y tummy issues that I'm limited right now in what I can freeze them with. I will also check out the book!

Thank you guys-it's not like me to feel so overwhelmed but I want to do right by this dog-my dogs are my babies (he's my only one). You all are my sanity for sure!!'
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Female Join date : 2011-08-25
Location : Santa Cruz, California

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PostSubject: Re: So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky?   So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky? - Page 4 EmptyWed Feb 13, 2013 2:16 am

With the interactive toys, you can use their kibble, so no tummy woes Smile I would usually do an interactive game at night as "wind-down time" and rotate the games to combat boredom (like in toddlers and small children Wink ) Hope all goes well! I know exactly where you are coming from. There would be nights after I put Kale down for the night, where I would go outside on the porch-swing and just sob. It's emotional when you care so much about your furbabies I love you .
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Female Join date : 2013-02-18
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PostSubject: Re: So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky?   So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky? - Page 4 EmptyWed Feb 20, 2013 12:44 pm

I have a 4 year old husky mix...she is a great dog but she loves to dig and yes i agree with everyone who said huskies are stubborn dogs...even tho mine is a mix she still has the personality of a husky....make sure you pick up all your clothes cuz they will chew on anything....
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Male Join date : 2013-03-01

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PostSubject: Re: So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky?   So You're Thinking of Getting a Husky? - Page 4 EmptyMon Mar 04, 2013 3:24 am

I love this stickie!! Its very informative. This is why I joined this forum, so I can learn about husky before I get one. Smile thanks for this
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