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 Puppy Training

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Female Join date : 2011-12-26
Location : Alexandria, VA

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PostSubject: Puppy Training   training - Puppy Training EmptyTue Jan 17, 2012 11:12 am

Hayden had his first private training yesterday and his trainer said she had some serious concerns with Hayden. (these are the trainers words): He's currently 11.5 weeks old and doesn't act like a typical puppy, he acts more like an adult dog. He doesn't greet people happy and and interested, he's very stand-offish and wary of people (especially men). If a person has treat's he get's interested, if not he wants nothing to do with them. I work from home (mom and I run an in-home daycare) so he see's different parent's all day long and we walk everyday and see's new people too.

The trainer also said Hayden doesn't greet dogs/puppies normal either ... He comes across as a "jerk" and puff's all up trying to look big and scent marks them off the bat (he'll turn side ways and push his body/butt into them pushing them away). He's very confrontational and will take a toy and act like he's wanting to pick a fight. The trainer said she's never seen a dog this young behave this way. When she brought out her more dominate female dog who pretty much put him in his place, he loved it and started playing. Hayden was also guarding me as well the trainer said. He's having a ton of trouble crate training too. He screams ALL night long!! We have been ignoring it, but he just won't stop. The trainer mentioned that he may have to be put on medication eventually.

Has anyone here experienced any of these problems with their dog?? What would be a way of handling this?

The trainer told me I need to have him on leash at all times in the house until he's about a year old, so I can correct him if he misbehaves and that I should anchor him for a few minutes everyday (put him on a short lead attached to a heavy object he can't move and give him a kong). She mentioned that I need to use the gentle leader when he starts getting pushy... Does everyone agree with this?

Sorry for the long post, I just want to make sure I'm doing everything correctly with him. I don't want to do more harm than good. It seem's like a lot on such a young puppy, but I'll do whatever it takes.
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Female Join date : 2010-09-07
Location : Gettysburg Pa ~

training - Puppy Training Empty
PostSubject: Re: Puppy Training   training - Puppy Training EmptyTue Jan 17, 2012 12:39 pm

Hmmm Ur Trainer is WHacked ! .. Hes a PUPPY .. They are Not all Txt Book Personalities ! WOW On a Leash in House till a Year Old ?~ WOw !~
as far as The Crate go You Need to make Him feel Like Its a Den .. Not a Punishment Chamber ! Positive Re-enforcement I Would Never Sit a Muzzle On My 11 wk Old Puppy All U gotta do it work w Him a Lil .. And FIRE YOur TRAiner !
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Female Join date : 2011-07-24
Location : Los Angeles

training - Puppy Training Empty
PostSubject: Re: Puppy Training   training - Puppy Training EmptyTue Jan 17, 2012 2:11 pm

If you don't feel comfortable with the trainer, move on. There are plenty of trainers in your area.

However, I do agree with the tethering him to you - it sounds like he has a very dominant personality (like my two) and that'll allow you to keep an eye on him and also reminds him who's boss (you!). It also sounds like he needs some socialization with other dogs (which is understandable given how young he is) - once he's had his shots. He may need to learn to "speak dog" if he was taken away from his brothers and sisters early.

Has he had all his shots at 11.5 weeks - and was it ok that he brought out his other dog that could be carrying diseases? (question for puppy parents, we've never had a puppy.)

How long have you been crating him and where is the crate? Is it in the bedroom with you guys?
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Female Join date : 2011-04-15
Location : WI

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PostSubject: Re: Puppy Training   training - Puppy Training EmptyTue Jan 17, 2012 2:29 pm

I would seek out a new trainer. Sure, body slamming can be done by assertive adult dogs, but it is also how lots of sibe adults and puppies play! I would also suggest looking for group classes rather than private ones. This would give Hayden an opportunity to socialize with other puppies, and that is extremely important at his age. It will also give him the chance to meet more people. Most sibe puppies that I have had in my dog training classes just have a more rough and tumble style of play. If your trainer did their research on sibes, he/she would find that many of the behaviors he observed are commonly seen as typical husky behavior. Look on the association of pet dog trainers website,, they have a list of certified trainers in each state. These trainers have to meet requirements before gaining memberships and must take continuing education courses yearly.
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Female Join date : 2011-08-25
Location : Santa Cruz, California

training - Puppy Training Empty
PostSubject: Re: Puppy Training   training - Puppy Training EmptyTue Jan 17, 2012 5:18 pm

LOL Kale did (and still does) the butt push! lol he does it when he is excited and wants to play. He does it at the dog park to illicit play and it usually works lol he gets the other dog excited which makes him excited and they all start running around the entire park playing chase lol When dogs do the "butt push" they also have the energy that goes with it, the ones that start fights are the ones with the energy that coincides with that response. One of my teachers (a veterinarian) told me that Kale was overly dominant and that he was going to be hard to train and not be good with other dogs (and he was 6 weeks old when he told me this)...pft! he was a breeze to train, sure he wasn't a retriever, but come on. lol And I second the tethering as well. It will help you two bond and it will help you correct unwanted behaviors before they escalate since you know where he is at all times lol but for a full year? ummm thats a bit much.
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Female Join date : 2011-12-26
Location : Alexandria, VA

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PostSubject: Re: Puppy Training   training - Puppy Training EmptyTue Jan 17, 2012 5:32 pm

Thank you for the replies ladies! I wasn't too sure about the trainers advise, so I thought it would be better to check with actual Siberian owners to double check.

We started out doing group classes and he wouldn't play with the other puppies Sad he would just growl at them and not socialize at all. He's only had the 2nd round of his puppy shot's and isn't due to have the third round for another 3 weeks. I'm trying to get him out as much as possible to meet new people and make it a positive experience w/treats and stuff. Trainer wants me to focus on meeting men w/him and wants to meet 50-100 a week. I'm like greeeeat lol.

As far as his crate goes, it's in our kitchen and he's got a few of his favorite toy's in there and I'll also put a marrow bone in there every now and then or a stuffed kong, but those only last so long.
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Female Join date : 2010-09-09
Location : Deltona, FL

training - Puppy Training Empty
PostSubject: Re: Puppy Training   training - Puppy Training EmptyTue Jan 17, 2012 6:42 pm

I'd still try the group classes. If he's going to get over growling at other dogs, he needs to do it now while he's young, not later when he's big enough to hurt another dog. Maybe find a group obedience class where he can be around adult dogs. Sounds like he doesn't mind being put in his place by bigger dogs. May be just want he needs.


training - Puppy Training Woowoosig
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Female Join date : 2011-12-26
Location : Alexandria, VA

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PostSubject: Re: Puppy Training   training - Puppy Training EmptyTue Jan 17, 2012 7:34 pm

we'll give that a try and see how it works! Smile
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Male Join date : 2009-07-15

training - Puppy Training Empty
PostSubject: Re: Puppy Training   training - Puppy Training EmptyTue Jan 17, 2012 9:31 pm

I agree on going the group class, I feel they are able to learn even more from seeing other dogs being taught, plus it is great for learning their social skills.

Biko, is very much a dominant dog, unless I purposely hold him back he always takes the lead for coming in the house. Also very protective of me. Twice I've pulled him out of the dog park because either he got to big for his britches or was about to. Waiting for the return from my vacation to contact my trainer to help me on the protective issue.
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