Hello members,
January 5th I am going on a 3-5 month academic/self discovery excursion to southeast Asia. I normally travel, work and spend almost the entire day with my beloved Jax. I have researched affordable boarding options and I have found one. $300/month for boarding in upstate NY.
However this place really seems undesirable. Jax is used to lots of human interaction and activities and this looks more like a jail sentence in comparison with his normal life. I will leave him there only as a last resort, a really high-end boarding place is out of my budget. I would leave him with my family if they were alive.
I am willing to compensate anyone who lives in the New England/NY/Ontario/Quebec Area if they are willing to watch Jax for this time period. Ideal person would be someone who has a fenced in yard. He is friendly with other dogs, housebroken, also capable of living outdoors and being a working dog as I bought him from a mushing yard in the Yukon. He very sociable and used to being around people most of the time. He loves kids.
He's also a show stopper in terms of aesthetics for a Husky.
Probably easier to get a hold of me on instagram: @BenjaminAK47