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 Can your husky puppy be overtired?

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Female Join date : 2018-07-19

Can your husky puppy be overtired? Empty
PostSubject: Can your husky puppy be overtired?   Can your husky puppy be overtired? EmptyMon Sep 03, 2018 12:39 am

Hi all, just curious if anyone else has this issue. I'm a new dog/husky owner, so I am learning. But my Husky seems to be almost like a 2 year old child who gets wild when she is tired. She is 9 months old and seems to have good days and bad days. On a bad day, she is a complete brat. On those days she is "busy" every second...pacing, sniffing everything, going the perimeter of the kitchen/living room almost as if she's looking for something to occupy her, nippy, won't listen, can't get her attention, pulls really bad on the leash, tries to get into everything, gets on the counters....etc. On a good day she is calm, does not have that "frantic" look and pacing, she will follow commands, does better on the leash, she is able to focus during training/games, she will entertain herself by getting toys/chews out of her toy box and playing's almost like I have two different dogs! I have not been able to figure out what are contributing factors for the "bad" days, other than possibly being overtired. She was really hyper when she was about 3-4 months, and it seemed that when we started taking her to puppy daycare, she started behaving better and having more periods of time when she was calm etc. We have a very inconsistent life/schedule so how often she goes to daycare is varied. I try to not take her more than two days in a row, and give her a day where she can be lazy/rest besides two walks and normal play. I should mention she is crated at night and a few hours here and there during the day, and does extremely well in the crate. The night time crate hours is about the only consistency in her world (she's crated 10pm-ish to 8am-ish every night). Recently, she went to daycare two days in a row, and on day 3 my husband had to take her to work with him (the daycare was closed for construction) and it was a nightmare. She was having one of her bratty days to begin with, and then she was stuck at his work which was not the best solution, but we felt it was better than crating for a long period (I was working a 12 hour day shift and he ended up being at work for about ten hours). She was very hyper and I feel like what she needed was a day to be lazy at home, and instead was forced to be overstimulated but at the same time bored at his work. I feel like I am rambling and not getting her story across very well, but basically I'm wondering if after two days of daycare, is she just so worn out and needs a day of rest/laziness, otherwise she becomes a terror? Has anyone else experienced a bratty overtired Husky puppy? It seems she has a fine line between being hyper from not enough exercise/stimulation, and hyper from being over tired. When they get older does that even out to a happier medium? Thanks for any thoughts I appreciate it!
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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

Can your husky puppy be overtired? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can your husky puppy be overtired?   Can your husky puppy be overtired? EmptyMon Sep 03, 2018 4:18 am

You have a teenaged husky. Brat is the name of the game. Usually, a tired husky is more manageable than one teeming with energy. Consistency of better if you can manage it. Training is good for both physical and mental workout and promote more those laid back days.
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Can your husky puppy be overtired?

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