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 Training with an Invisible Fence

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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

invisible fence - Training with an Invisible Fence - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training with an Invisible Fence   invisible fence - Training with an Invisible Fence - Page 2 EmptyThu Dec 25, 2014 10:11 am


First, the good news:  Dogs are loving their new range.  Tues., dogs were in the house, I was talking to Wayne and picked up the collars to put them on and let them out.  Before I even got the collar a foot off the table, Ami was wooing and dancing in excitement.  When I let them out the backdoor, they both go charging out the door, and through the gate, around the house and up into the woods Laughing

Bad news:  Monday had a lapse.  Our land line was down and the phone company came out.  It was first thing in the morning, I had just let Archer out of his crate and he and Ami were beginning their romp.  The repair man drove his truck into the driveway, caught the dogs' attention, backed out and parked at the pole across the road.  Both dogs went down to investigate.  Ami gingerly approached the warning zone, stepped into the correction zone cautiously, then started wagging his tail and trotted across the street.

I was really surprised because the day before, our neighbors diagonally across the street had their dog out off leash, calling to him and the dogs was barking and looking to play. Both dogs went to investigate, wanted to play but did NOT cross the boundary, just stood and watched.

Now, Ami is the more cautious of the two and usually adamant about not going anywhere near the boundary. After checking things out, I found that the nylon collar had stretched considerably and the studs were no longer making contact.  Tightened the collar, did some refresher training and we are back to good.

So, WARNING:  if you use this system, always check the fit before letting the dogs loose.  Now, my procedure with Ami is buckle the collar, run my fingers underneath it, part his hair under the receiver and check that I can get 1 finger, not 2 , between the stud and his skin.  If I can get 2, its too loose, if I can't get 1 finger underneath, it is too tight.

Also - it is very clear that Ami loves, loves, loves people and would get in the car of anyone who came in the driveway.  So, people, if you use this system, you need to be aware of where your pooch is and alert to any cars/people approaching the house.  IE, not for use if you are not at home and monitoring the dogs. (Never my intention, anyway.)
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Female Join date : 2014-07-21
Location : Ottawa, Ontario

invisible fence - Training with an Invisible Fence - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training with an Invisible Fence   invisible fence - Training with an Invisible Fence - Page 2 EmptyThu Jan 08, 2015 2:03 pm

Thank you for continuing to update this! I am picking up valuable tips!

We have progressed as well. Sinatra is no longer terrified of the backyard! So I am very happy about that as it means he can get the proper exercise that he needs Smile
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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

invisible fence - Training with an Invisible Fence - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training with an Invisible Fence   invisible fence - Training with an Invisible Fence - Page 2 EmptyThu Jan 22, 2015 9:33 am

I am thrilled today...after my neighbor said he saw Ami on the road coming to our yard, (which didn't make sense, I check the snow for pawprints regularly), I have been very wary of the dogs out front.

Well, today, they are out and the trash hauler came for the trash. Stopped his truck by the road, got out, came onto the lawn and picked up the barrel and put it back. I peeked out and 2 dogs, standing at full attention and very interested in the events, stayed firmly in the safe zone, did not even try to breach the zap zone!
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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

invisible fence - Training with an Invisible Fence - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training with an Invisible Fence   invisible fence - Training with an Invisible Fence - Page 2 EmptyFri Jan 30, 2015 6:07 pm

Another day of success bounce

1: Checking on the critters to locate, look out the front window, they come tearing down from the woods, straight down the driveway with purpose. Stop dead about 15 ft from the warning area. And stay there, just watching (mail delivery, I think). Then, turn around and resume their romp.

2: Coming through the front hall, I notice Ami and Archer in the parking area, playing. I stop to watch...just 'cause I love you Suddenly, both of them stand up at full alert, looking to the north - then take off at warp speed. I hold my breath, watch, prepared to go after them. They run about 280 ft, stop about 20 ft from where they would first get the tone. Both watch across the neighbors pasture at full alert - I can see their lab prancing around, a car in the boys stay there, transfixed but don't leave until the car pulls out and the lab goes inside.

So proud of these boys! Who are now completely zonked, sleeping sweet as can be on their blankets.
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Female Join date : 2014-07-21
Location : Ottawa, Ontario

invisible fence - Training with an Invisible Fence - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training with an Invisible Fence   invisible fence - Training with an Invisible Fence - Page 2 EmptyWed Feb 04, 2015 8:33 am

Kesler chewed the wire that leads to the fence, and it has been too cold to fix it, so I have just been supervising them outside.

Then Monday night, while I was at work, hubby decided to leave them in the back yard while he was shovelling the drive way (despite my warnings....grrr). Lo and behold, the neighbours dog come out and Sinatra climbed the physical fence. Then yesterday, I looked away for a minute, and the neighbour went to his car....guess who wanted to go for a car ride. Back to square one. Right now Sinatra is leash only until I can fix the fence. We have been lucky with his escapes, I don't want to risk it. And also don't want to piss off the neighbours lol. They are nice about it now, but if it keeps happening, who knows...

So I will have to redo boundary training. In the winter. Great fun. BAH!
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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

invisible fence - Training with an Invisible Fence - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training with an Invisible Fence   invisible fence - Training with an Invisible Fence - Page 2 EmptyWed Feb 04, 2015 10:19 am

That is a pain...was the wire buried? I did a double take last night. On our walk I realized the snow plow hadcleared part way into the ditch. My wire is not buried there, just laid at the bottom. I was planning on pinning it in the spring before mowing season. Fortunately, still intact.

The one positive about training in the winter...the snow leaves foot prints so you know if they have left when you are not looking.

We had a neighbor say he thought he saw Ami on the road...but I check the perimeter for unexplained prints and have not found any...yet. At this point I am fairly comfortable that both Archer and Ami are well trained to the boundary. I've seen them race to within 20-30 ft. of it, stop dead and watch dogs, people, cars, including son and husband leaving in their cars with no hint of them trying to leave. Still won't leave them out loose if we are not home, though. That is NOT in the cards.
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Male Join date : 2013-12-27
Location : Michigan

invisible fence - Training with an Invisible Fence - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training with an Invisible Fence   invisible fence - Training with an Invisible Fence - Page 2 EmptyWed Feb 04, 2015 10:23 am

phew that is scary business!! I could not trust Nala and Oakley on a invisible fence though i wish i could! but thats great that you guys are able to train them Nala is to stubborn and hard headed to learn something like that!
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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

invisible fence - Training with an Invisible Fence - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training with an Invisible Fence   invisible fence - Training with an Invisible Fence - Page 2 EmptyWed Feb 04, 2015 10:47 am

RachelNala1694 wrote:
phew that is scary business!! I could not trust Nala and Oakley on a invisible fence though i wish i could! but thats great that you guys are able to train them Nala is to stubborn and hard headed to learn something like that!

I think it's because, first of all, Ami is very boundary oriented. Every time we go somewhere, if it is fenced, he explores the perimeter intitially, "files" it and never challenges it. Second, he's a wimp. I have the correction level at the "timid/average" setting. The first time he felt it, that was it. I tried on myself and it's almost a nothing. He won't even go into the area where he receives the warning "beep". Archer I had to go up 1 level to "average". The key was teaching them how to respond to the beep, ie pulling them back into the safe zone so they know to retreat rather than run into it. And then, with these furry beasts, make sure the contacts have skin contact Rolling Eyes
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Male Join date : 2013-12-27
Location : Michigan

invisible fence - Training with an Invisible Fence - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training with an Invisible Fence   invisible fence - Training with an Invisible Fence - Page 2 EmptyWed Feb 04, 2015 10:50 am

yeah i think Nala is so head strong she would be determined to run through it but with Oakley i think hes so timid he wouldnt even risk it haha! but thats great that they are trained so good! I'm jealous!
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Female Join date : 2014-07-21
Location : Ottawa, Ontario

invisible fence - Training with an Invisible Fence - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training with an Invisible Fence   invisible fence - Training with an Invisible Fence - Page 2 EmptyWed Feb 04, 2015 11:47 am

At that portion, the wire was about 2 feet off the ground, leading from the top of our existing fence to a basement window (I keep the receiver in that room). It was the twisted part that he chewed up. Not impressed with the bugger, now I have to use two splices to repair!! Good thing he is cute!
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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

invisible fence - Training with an Invisible Fence - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training with an Invisible Fence   invisible fence - Training with an Invisible Fence - Page 2 EmptyFri Mar 13, 2015 9:00 am


I continue to be thrilled at how well this thing works with Ami and Archer. And, now I am certain they are responding to the beep and not getting to the shock. Yesterday, Archer's collar finally needed a charge. Both dogs were in the kitchen as I plugged it in - and since I was near the refrigerator, they were right next to me Laughing When I plugged it in, the thing beeped, both dogs looked up, startled and walked away!

Again, yesterday, there was road work at the corner - about 250' down the road. The dogs were incredibly interested but stayed, sitting (and yes, Archer barking, little turd) but never even approached the boundary. (In stark contrast to the poor meter reader that came to the house last week and Ami was so excited he almost put the man in a face plant as he walked through the snow to read the meter invisible fence - Training with an Invisible Fence - Page 2 1625187496 And ditto with the tiller delivery man. Fortunately, both men appeared to thoroughly enjoy dogs Rolling Eyes )

And then, this morning, I heard Archer barking (again) and looked out - the daughter down the road was walking their lab and little yappy thing. Both Ami and Archer were very excited (as was the poor lab - she really wanted to play). Again, they ran the whole length of the road but never attempted to cross the boundary. From their position, I would guess that they had not even activated the beep.

At this point, I would not hesitate to recommend an invisible fence, even to husky owners. Provided you are willing to put in the training. I strongly believe the learning is teaching the dog that the beep means retreat - just like sit means sit, so that it becomes automatic learned stimulus-response. For Archer, this took only a few days. Ami took longer, maybe 10 days before it became automatic. And when he did breach the boundary and received the shock, he did become a velcro dog for a few days and it was a good month before he felt comfortable using the "safe zone". And that is on the timid-average setting.
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Female Join date : 2014-07-21
Location : Ottawa, Ontario

invisible fence - Training with an Invisible Fence - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training with an Invisible Fence   invisible fence - Training with an Invisible Fence - Page 2 EmptyMon Mar 16, 2015 9:54 am

Thanks again for the update!

I still have yet to fix our fence, going to have to wait for the ground to thaw. So for now my poor babies are tethered Sad

Which I fee horrible about, but they run straight to the fence and hop into the neighbours yard if they are not tethered. I just can't risk them getting out and something horrible happening.
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