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 Obsessive Sexual Humping

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Female Join date : 2014-04-24
Location : MD

Obsessive Sexual Humping Empty
PostSubject: Obsessive Sexual Humping   Obsessive Sexual Humping EmptyThu Apr 24, 2014 11:34 am

Hey guys,

I'm knew to this forum and at a loss. Loki is 10 months old, got neutered about a month ago and has started on a crazy obsessive humping kick just before he got neutered. This is not a normal humping for dominance, this is the super sexual "I-won't-stop-til-I-get-my-rocks-off" humping with everything out at the dog park. I really don't understand it. I've owned huskies and wolves before (Texas and lived on large properties so slightly different circumstance) and NEVER had I EVER had this issue. He knows he is wrong because when I walk up, he runs away, but always b-lines straight back to the dog. It is usually only 1 dog he becomes obsessive at each round at the dog park. I've tried smacking him in the nose, grabbing him and laying him out like you would for a dominant show, and even tried coaxing him with treats when I can actually get around to him. Nothing works. I have refrained from going to the dog park for the last week and taken him only once or twice in the past two or three weeks and I'm currently pregnant and both me and my husband are working full time and weird schedules at this point (til the end of the month when I quit) so running is out of the question right now. He is extremely well behaved on lead and at home and listens very well. This is the only qualm I have with him. Any suggestions would be great. I have considered getting a shock collar to try to teach him and dissuade him from it. He is also normally very submissive (he usually does the obsessive sexual humping to dogs that are OK with him humping them or are just too tired from running away from him to fight back). I have no issues with him humping normally. I understand that it is a natural thing, but when the other dog can't even drink water, pee, or take a poo without him jumping on him, that's when I start getting a little upset.  Obsessive Sexual Humping 1625187496  Thoughts? Thanks!
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Female Join date : 2013-06-20
Location : Toronto, Ontario

Obsessive Sexual Humping Empty
PostSubject: Re: Obsessive Sexual Humping   Obsessive Sexual Humping EmptyThu Apr 24, 2014 1:19 pm

Gus used to do this and at around the same age too. It wasn't all the time, and it wasn't all dogs. He would fixate on one dog, and repeatedly go back to that dog even if i pulled him off and told him to "leave it". I don't think that smacking him on the nose or laying him out will be effective though. That might be the reason he's running away from you when you come close to him.

What we did is to remove him from the other dog, pull him away (gently) to the side and made him sit and focus on me with treats. Basically like a timeout to get him to relax a bit. Once he was relaxed, i would let him go play again. If he went back for the dog, I would give him the "ah-ah" command, which means no. If he continued to ignore me, we would leave the park.

Sometimes, he would get so fixated that i couldn't even get him to focus on me, and that is when we would leave. He might still be quite hormonal too if he was only fixed a month ago. Gus eventually stopped doing this. But we always corrected it. I think if you correct him, and give it some time for his hormones to chill out, it will probably stop.
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Female Join date : 2014-04-24
Location : MD

Obsessive Sexual Humping Empty
PostSubject: Re: Obsessive Sexual Humping   Obsessive Sexual Humping EmptyThu Apr 24, 2014 1:26 pm

Ah, at least now I know it isn't just my dog. I also am very verbal with him. Usually I start with a "no, off" or "ah-ah", the smacking on the nose is last resort. He usually listens, but same thing as your Gus, obsesses.... a PLETHORA. We have such a big dog park (picture a soccer field length and width) that it's hard to keep up with him. Also, I have tried just leaving and usually he follows if hes "done" or tired, but he doesn't listen really when he's so focused. I'd have to sprint the field just to keep up with him...  lol! How would you catch him to leave the park? Loki just runs away because he isn't done and doesn't listen; not because he is scared or anything.

About what age did Gus stop?

TheBadGuppy wrote:
Gus used to do this and at around the same age too.  It wasn't all the time, and it wasn't all dogs.  He would fixate on one dog, and repeatedly go back to that dog even if i pulled him off and told him to "leave it".  I don't think that smacking him on the nose or laying him out will be effective though.  That might be the reason he's running away from you when you come close to him.  

What we did is to remove him from the other dog, pull him away (gently) to the side and made him sit and focus on me with treats.  Basically like a timeout to get him to relax a bit.  Once he was relaxed, i would let him go play again.  If he went back for the dog, I would give him the "ah-ah" command, which means no.  If he continued to ignore me, we would leave the park.  

Sometimes, he would get so fixated that i couldn't even get him to focus on me, and that is when we would leave.  He might still be quite hormonal too if he was only fixed a month ago.  Gus eventually stopped doing this.  But we always corrected it.  I think if you correct him, and give it some time for his hormones to chill out, it will probably stop.
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Female Join date : 2013-06-20
Location : Toronto, Ontario

Obsessive Sexual Humping Empty
PostSubject: Re: Obsessive Sexual Humping   Obsessive Sexual Humping EmptyThu Apr 24, 2014 1:39 pm

Our parks range from big to small. But regardless of the size, I am usually not too far away from Gus. So when he's about to do something bad (he's also a bit of a poo-eater), I can correct him pretty quickly (verbally). If he listens to me, I always reward him, also verbally. Treats would be a more effective reward with Gus, but i'm not a big fan of having treats inside the dog park, and Gus is a bit of a food guarder too.

To be honest, i've never really had to "catch him". Recall is something that we practice A LOT with him. And i think it helps that our dogwalker practices with him too. He never strays too far away from us, or his pack (with his dogwalker). And i'll randomly call him over (never when he's interacting with another dog though because I KNOW he won't listen haha), and praise him a lot when he does.

I can't remember the timing too well. But it didn't last for too long after his neuter (he did start this before his neuter though). Probably 2months. Just be consistent about correcting him and not just letting it happen. It also helps if the dog getting humped doesn't just let it happen too haha. Very rarely now, he will still mount a dog, but the other dog usually tells him off quickly. And then they just end up wrestling with each other Razz
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Female Join date : 2014-04-24
Location : MD

Obsessive Sexual Humping Empty
PostSubject: Re: Obsessive Sexual Humping   Obsessive Sexual Humping EmptyThu Apr 24, 2014 1:43 pm

Awesome! Thank you so much for the advice. Smile I was seriously considering getting him a shock collar... Thought I would bring the question here before I resorted to that... Razz Thanks!
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