Thanks Cortnie, I'll stick to totw, I had seen the dogfoodadvisor before, but it didn't specify that blend. The packaging is great though, all sources USA, made at fromm factory and no recalls. It has to be a newer blend. Totw has 5 blends ranging from 3.5 stars to 5 stars, I'll just continue with rotating the 4 and 5. The terrible thing is the poultry blend at the tractor supply I go to, closets to me still 25 miles one way, has the 5 pound bags that expired in March, they marked them down, and will not get new supply until they are gone, so now I'm down to 3 in the rotation, tried 2 so far, she liked the bison, and is so/so with the lamb, and I don't want to introduce pork into her diet, pork is a rich protein and with her tummy troubles I don't want to make things worse. I'll try the fish next.
Thanks again,