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 Husky Rescues

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Male Join date : 2013-03-06
Location : CA

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PostSubject: Husky Rescues   Husky Rescues EmptyMon Jun 17, 2013 3:04 pm

Hi Everyone,
For those who have worked/adopted from rescues….
I recently made the decision to get a companion for Meeka. I would like to go the rescue route but having difficulties with the process and would like to see how each of you went about integrating the rescue with your current husky.
Things to know:
·         Meeka is extremely shy (submissive). Husky rescues volunteers which I have visited even say she is a very shy for a husky, although very loveable with people.
·         I take her to doggie parks but she tends to only to play with small dogs, she lets them bite her and she flips them etc. “softcore” husky play if you will.
·         Large dogs she has trouble with, either they are too rough with her and gets very submissive and cries, or she tries to smell them and the larger dogs growl and she runs to me and hides between my legs.
·         Husky rescues (or rescues in general) don’t seem too concern as to who they adopt, at least to me anyways.  All I did was submit a online application, provided info on fencing and that was it. Is this typical of rescues?   I checked in on a GSD rescue, and they wanted to inspect my home which made me feel more comfortable, but opted for pictures once they determine they were too far from my area.
·         I have visited two rescue camps that set up shop at a Petsmart/Petco. Judging from conversations with the volunteers it felt like a match with Meeka, however when walking Meeka and the rescue dog, the walk is a dream, however when Meeka tries to engage play, the rescue always (the 5 dogs  I thought was the “one” by now) always growl at her as if to say “leave me alone”.
·         I feel as I am pressured as when I visit the huskies that I think are the one, I repeatedly keep getting asked “So are you getting her or passing”. I have passed all times, since from the walks and times spent with each, the walk is awesome, but play time or integrating them has been a pain. How can I judge if long-term they will play and get along, if the rescue doesn’t want to play when I visit them in that short time?
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Female Join date : 2011-07-01
Location : Denver, CO

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PostSubject: Re: Husky Rescues   Husky Rescues EmptyMon Jun 17, 2013 3:35 pm

There are other people who can speak more intelligently to the integration issues, we didn't have any problems since Shadow was so young.

Coming from the rescue aspect, I can guarantee that the online application is just the beginning. Both of the rescues I've worked for are very selective, and they take the information on those applications and then do reference checks, vet checks, and finally a home visit. They are very keen on making sure the dogs go to good homes because they don't want to see their rescue dogs winding up mistreated or dumped in a shelter (which unfortunately does happen, people suck).

Good luck!

Shadow's Blog

Canine Hydrocephalus Support on Facebook

"Being the parent of a special-needs pet means living your life constantly poised on the edge of a double-edged sword. On the one hand, you become a fierce defender of the ways in which your little one is perfectly ordinary — all the things he or she can do that are just like what everybody else does. And yet, you never lose sight of how absolutely extraordinary that very ordinariness is, how difficult, remarkable and rewarding that fight to be 'just like everybody else' has been."  -Gwen Cooper, "Homer's Odyssey"

Shadow - 03/01/2013 - 10/02/2014

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Husky Stalker

Female Join date : 2009-05-29
Location : Denver, CO

Husky Rescues Empty
PostSubject: Re: Husky Rescues   Husky Rescues EmptyMon Jun 17, 2013 4:49 pm

crap i just lost everything i just wrote, ok the shorter version!
i work on a rescue and adopting from us is no walk in the park, the online form is just the start like Meredith said! i would go with a rescue as the dogs should be in foster homes and therefor have a known temperament, not the one you see at the rescue events where they are all worked up. since Meeka is extremely shy you may end up with a dominant dog over her and that is fine, in a home environment it will get worked out, and if not since you went with a rescue they will take that dog back, cant really do that with a shelter. i think doing the walk and maybe a dog park meet up is the way to go. its ok to have a dog that likes to just go sniff stuff, our Sierra is like that and Jack runs and plays with everyone, but at home you cant pull them apart, they are best friends. Keep up the search and the right one will come along. wish you were closer to CO so i could help you out.

Husky Rescues Iaht10
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Male Join date : 2013-03-06
Location : CA

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PostSubject: Re: Husky Rescues   Husky Rescues EmptyMon Jun 17, 2013 5:46 pm

Thanks for the info Meredith and Jen.

I actually thought they would want to do the home visit before approving for adoption and not vice-versa but I can see how that works out better for them. I know my fencing is good, just thought it was weird, I did took pictures of my fencing so they can see.

I narrowed my searches to "Husky Camp" which serves SoCal, but at Sunday's event, you can say I felt uneasy. Although the red-white I was looking forward to adopting was a dream walking besides Meeka, he simply wasn't having it when it came to Meeka initiating play or the sniff action.

The above, along with the volunteer pressuring me with "if this is the one, lets go inside, etc" I felt as if I was at a car dealership (I own car dealership reps when it comes to agreeing at contracts), but I simply could not make my mind up on  simple 15-20 min walk. The growling put me off.

I did ask if there was a possibility I could take the dog to a local dog park/park, etc but was told i could only stay in the area by Petco (where the event was being placed). Note: most dogs were sort of reserved, so I was only able to walk the red-white which I was interested in. There was a grey-white which hit it off with Meeka when the dog was kennled but I was not allowed to adopt as someone had "dibs" on him and was ultimately adopted.

One last thing, when speaking with the volunteers some are on foster homes, but the majority are on a ranch type setting 1 acre yard so they are not housetrained, not sure what the ranch setting has to do with the way they were raised but trhowing it out there.
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Female Join date : 2012-07-07
Location : Houston, TX

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PostSubject: Re: Husky Rescues   Husky Rescues EmptyMon Jun 17, 2013 6:13 pm

Meredith and Jenn have said most of it.  The reputable rescues will do personal home visits, vet checks and personal references.  

I do not know the CA area, but I will search around for some Husky rescues for you.

It will typically take a few days for the adopted Husky to settle in, depending on the temperament.  However, when you contact the rescue, they should ask what type of Husky you are looking for, or it will be on the form.  i.e.- Great with kids, suitable around cats, willing to play with a younger 6 month old puppy, and so on.

Once you're interested in one, they do a home visit after you have filled out your online app (and it's approved, of course).  After you're approved and matched with a Husky, everyone meets together at a local dog park or other neutral area, AKA 'Meet 'N Greet'.  If the meet goes well, yipee for you!  Some go home with you the day of the meet n greet, and some wait a few days beforehand so you can get everything settled.   

I do not know any reasons why they would be pushy with asking you about the adoption.  Maybe it is raining Huskies at the shelters in CA and they just want to save them, but need more adoptions to go out and fosters.

For what it's worth, most fosters are in a regular home setting around people daily (potty and crate trained).  I don't know any fosters at our rescue that live on a ranch.
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Husky Stalker

Female Join date : 2009-05-29
Location : Denver, CO

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PostSubject: Re: Husky Rescues   Husky Rescues EmptyMon Jun 17, 2013 7:30 pm

ateam043 wrote:
One last thing, when speaking with the volunteers some are on foster homes, but the majority are on a ranch type setting 1 acre yard so they are not housetrained, not sure what the ranch setting has to do with the way they were raised but throwing it out there.

when we adopted jack he was in a "yard" at the rescue, half the side was under 4 the other side over 5. we got lucky and he was only there a few weeks and was still potty trained when we got him home.

Husky Rescues Iaht10
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