Whenever I take Kato outside, he is constantly after those "helicopter" things that falls off trees. I take him for about an hour long walk every day and I try to keep an eye on him and keep him moving, but it's hard to watch his every single move. I don't know how many of them he actually ingests. Also, he eats my flowers and plants from my backyard. Again, I try my hardest to make sure he doesn't but something continues to entice him about them. I've definitely kept him away from mushrooms because that happened once and I immediately panicked. BUT, he's been puking kind of frequently (I would say once every week or so...I find that to be frequent??) and it's all yellow stomach acid. I've read everywhere that huskies have sensitive tummies and I promise I'm feeding him enough kibble! I'm not sure how to keep him away from everything in the outside world OR wrestle everything out of his mouth (he does drop if I catch him in time and I scold him but he is sneaky fast!!) Should I be worried about the frequent puking? Possibly take him in? Any suggestions??
I have to add that a month ago when he got neutered, all of his blood work came back normal and he got a clean bill of health.