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 Bella had her doctor visit yesterday!

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Breeding Subject Moderator

Female Join date : 2011-08-30
Location : Easton, Pennsylvania

Bella had her doctor visit yesterday! Empty
PostSubject: Bella had her doctor visit yesterday!   Bella had her doctor visit yesterday! EmptySat Mar 03, 2012 5:24 pm

Some of you knew I was taking Bella to the vet yesterday because Monday she threw up just about an entire meals worth of undigested food, was panting like crazy and when I listened to her heart it didn't sound normal! So I scheduled an appointment that night for Friday - she threw up clear liquid on Tuesday and that was the end of her symptoms!

So we went to the vet he looked her over and listened to her heart because that was my biggest concern with how she was acting. He said from what he could hear her heart hasn't changed at all since her Echo was done when she was 6 months old. She has a regular pulse and she is a very healthy, athletic and robust little girl who weighed in at a shocking 42 pounds!!! But I think they just guessed since she wouldn't stay on the scale.

He did say he hears dropped beats and on his scale her murmur is a 2/6 (he grades them through 6 instead of 5) so she's in pretty good shape and isn't getting any worse. He said he wished that all of his heart patients that came in to see him were as robust as she!

She even proved how healthy she was by showing off her athleticism and jumping from floor up to counter top and into the sink because she was thirsty. Needless to say he was quite impressed! lol He then said that she has absolutely no idea that she even has a problem just looking at how she acts. He was really impressed with how I take care of her.
Now for all of the doctor-y terms X_X since I finally got an actual printout of what her cardiologist had put in her file about what she heard/saw back in August.

ECG Diagnosis: Sinus rhythm with APC's, some in bigeminy pattern.

Cardiovascular Examination: Grade II/V systolic murmur PMI L base with radiation up carotids and on R- pulses s/s still strong even during bigeminy

Cardiovascular Diagnosis: Turbulent LV outflows which are slightly elevated (but excitable puppy!) normal LV function and wall thicknesses - no shunts seen. LA WNL. Some slight narrowing @ LV outflow tract.

Comments: Mild SAS - no evidence of CHF of hypertrophy. No evidence of shunts.
Fish Oil (omega 3's) to possibly decrease inflammation. Fish oil 180EPA/120DHA > 4 capsules daily - post surgery and work up to 4 a day.
Atenolol 25 mg 1/4 tab BID (or 1/2t SID) for next month- OK for OHE in between- recheck EKG in 4-5 weeks (may not need to be on atenolol indefinitely).
OK for OHE- extra O 2 on recovery (before extubation)
Recheck EKG in 6-8 weeks.

She will go back to see her Cardiologist probably in summer to be cleared for her spay and to see what she has to say about her heart - from the vet yesterday he said from the way she looks and acts and how athletic she is she should have no problems with anesthesia but they'll give her propofol.

Bella had her doctor visit yesterday! Eyes_p10

Bella had her doctor visit yesterday! Oil_pa11
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Bella had her doctor visit yesterday!

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