Just new to this so I'm sorry if this has been discussed before. In dire need of advise on Kennel training.
We just got a 3 month old Siberian Husky 9 days ago. The first night we had him in his kennel with our other little dogs (maltese & pug). All seemed to go well a bit of crying but not to much. After the first night existing dogs "said no way" to sleeping with him again.
We moved his kennel into my office, gave him blanket, toys a few treats and closed the door. He started crying and scratching at 2:30 am and stopped at maybe 4:00 am ? We continue to kennel him at night and when we go to work, but he's actually escaped from his kennel 3 times. The kennel we purchased was supper cheat and is now totally destroyed from him trying to get out. Will set up a new heavier kennel tonight, but patients are running out as the adults in the house need sleep.
Thanks for any advice you can give.