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 huskies and cats

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Join date : 2017-08-13

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PostSubject: huskies and cats   huskies and cats EmptySun Aug 13, 2017 5:44 pm

Hello everyone,
I'm new here and I don't know to to start so here it goes
I Have a 4 month old DSH cat , and I wanted to adopt a 60 days old husky as well but I was woundering if they would get along together, my cat is socialized with poeple and the only time she has seen a dog is at the veterinary and she wasn't scared when the dog barked at her, not at all she actually didn't even react at all! Do u think they would be fine to live together? And is it good for them to have a companion to play with all the time?
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Female Join date : 2013-06-14
Location : Missouri

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PostSubject: Re: huskies and cats   huskies and cats EmptyMon Aug 14, 2017 8:40 am

A puppy will often learn to leave the cat alone if you are diligent in teaching it. Set boundaries for it with the cat from day one. The cat is still pretty young too so it may not correct the dog if the dog gets too rough, so that is going to be up to you. Your cat is still fairly small itself at this point probably so really watch out. If the cat was full grown and near the same size as pup it's easier for them to get their bluff in. Make sure the cat has a place it can escape to that the puppy can't get to it, even when the pup is full grown and if the puppy tries to chase the cat or play rough with the cat correct it. As long as you are firm in how you want their interactions to be and never let up huskies and cats can live together well. Many of us on here have huskies and cats living together. It's much harder to make happen the older the dog though, so starting young definitely offers a leg up in making it happen.

huskies and cats Huskyf10
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Join date : 2017-08-13

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PostSubject: Re: huskies and cats   huskies and cats EmptyMon Aug 14, 2017 8:48 am

Ow cool, and how do I trsch them, I mean by teaching the poppy commands like "leave it" or "easy" ? And is it okay if the cat's safe place was on the top of the closet and not a single room, Cuz I can't turn a bedroom door into a cat door , and she poppy is too small he can slip through?
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Female Join date : 2013-06-14
Location : Missouri

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PostSubject: Re: huskies and cats   huskies and cats EmptyMon Aug 14, 2017 9:34 am

While the pup is small it will probably be able to get through a cat door if you were to put one in a laundry room door so that the cat could escape to the laundry room. Pups grow fast though so it getting through the cat door wouldn't be a long lived event. Some place up high like the top of a cabinet or closet would work. Make sure it is easy for the cat to get up there quickly, so provide a good grab hold for it to climb.

You can teach the pup not to mess with the cat by redirecting its attention away from the cat with a toy or treat if you don't want the pup to even look at the cat. Leaving a leash on the pup inside the house so that if it goes to chase the cat you can step on the line and stop the pup fast from it. Mostly, any behavior the pup has with the cat that you don't like and you wouldn't want it doing when it's older and much bigger you need to stop it as soon as it starts. You can redirect the dog's attention or put it in timeout for larger offenses (put it in a sit and stay until it calms down).

Previous thread that is a good read with steps

huskies and cats Huskyf10
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Male Join date : 2016-09-01
Location : Pierre, SD

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PostSubject: Re: huskies and cats   huskies and cats EmptyMon Aug 14, 2017 12:01 pm

Even if you do a good job of training the dog to not attack the cat (which is possible), make sure the cat has safe spaces in EVERY room where the animals co-exist.
A shelf the cat can get to by jumping on something else. A room the dog can't get access to. A piece of furniture with a space below it that the cat can get into, but the dog cannot.
Even a well trained dog still has instincts. And the cat can accidentally trigger those instincts causing an attack to happen. The cat needs to be able to quickly get somewhere safe. A well trained dog that is triggered by instincts would likely only need a few moments to realize the mistake, but if it gets to the cat in those few seconds, it could be trouble.

Starting the dog early is the best bet though. The dog will hopefully learn that the cat is part of it's family or pack and be less likely to cause issues with the proper training.
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Join date : 2017-08-13

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PostSubject: Re: huskies and cats   huskies and cats EmptyMon Aug 14, 2017 1:12 pm

Thank you guys so much
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Female Join date : 2016-12-11
Location : Vermont

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PostSubject: Re: huskies and cats   huskies and cats EmptyMon Aug 21, 2017 10:39 pm

My cat is 4 and and my husky is 10 months. Once in awhile he play chase the cat, once in awhile the cat will play chase the dog. I think as long the dog has grown up with the cat, it will be ok. Just give the cat a space to get away from the dog if it wants to. Mine has a cat tower. And I also taught my dog 'leave it'. He does pretty well but I'm always keeping an eye out, just in case
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