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 Bitches fighting

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Join date : 2017-05-14

Bitches fighting Empty
PostSubject: Bitches fighting   Bitches fighting EmptySun May 14, 2017 6:24 am

Hi im new to this forum and would love some advice from other owners.

Basically i have 2 bitches jasmine is 4years old and Mia is 3years old they have lived happily together for 3years without any problem. We moved house 3 weeks ago and everything was fine a week after moving some human food was dropped on the floor and they had a fight over it which was seprated right away both had minor injury. They were fine it all seemed forgotten about until wednesday just gone when my boyfriend was out walking them jasmine the older bitch was sniffing a haypile and mia walked over jasmine reacted and a fight started which went on for 10 mins my boyfriend just couldn't stop them when i got to where they were at both were covered in blood and they stopped when they saw me. We got them cleaned up and vet checked they both had pucnture wounds all over, on thursday morning a fight broke out again due to jasmine trying to clean mias wounds this time no one was hurt and we come decided to seprate them as they were both just constantly growling at each other. We have took advice from 4 different behaviorist who are basically saying get rid of one which we really don't want to do. I've started introducing them to each other again yesterday through both being on leads now what is happening is mia the younger bitch (she come off worse in the fight) is growling tail in between her legs and shaking if jasmine comes near her and jasmine is yelping and whinning at her we don't understand where we are at with them or what they are saying. It seems only in the house now as i am able to take them both on walks together and they show no aggression until we get to the house again and its like they remember they don't like each other and the growling and whinning starts again. Today i feel both are slightly improving as both seem a bit more relaxed and not growling or whinning as much. Can anyone give some advice please
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Female Join date : 2012-08-02
Location : Louisiana

Bitches fighting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bitches fighting   Bitches fighting EmptySun May 14, 2017 12:12 pm

Are they spayed?

For a behaviorist to tell you to get rid of them seems like not even trying on their part.

Sounds like something to do with the house. Were there animals living there before? Could possibly be smells left in carpets or floors or some sort.

Bitches fighting Signat11
Bitches fighting O8Cmm5
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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

Bitches fighting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bitches fighting   Bitches fighting EmptySun May 14, 2017 1:23 pm

For the time being, I would crate and tether out of the crate. Do calmness exercises with them - my favorite "sit on your dog" Have boyfriend sit with one and you with the other. Close but not close enough for them to touch when leashes are fully extended.

Learn the signs of tension before it escalates and interrupt there - for instance, if you see any stiffness, stare, shackles, lip licking, avoidance. You might want to teach the "out" command to both

Helpful tools might be a can of compressed air (Pet Corrector and the ilk or just plain old stuff to clean computers.) Or ecollar training (though that would be a longer process)

I'm guessing if they got along fine before the move, that once they adjust, you'll return to fine. In the meantime, management is key which is why I recommend crating and tethering (to you, a table leg - any thing sturdy.)

Good luck!
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Join date : 2017-05-14

Bitches fighting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bitches fighting   Bitches fighting EmptySun May 14, 2017 5:15 pm

hi thanks for the reply yes the previous owner had dogs and the floor boards had been soiled as there is urine stains on them but we have cleaned them and there is new carpets down. Maybe they can smell it still but we can't? The younger one is displaying stiffing of the body the odd growl and always watching her back. Jasmine seems more cocky with her behavior she wines loud but she also seems rather controling. I am keeping them under strict control with leads etc and just hoping they forget the big fight and sort it out. They were very close at one point its an awful situation they are my babies and i really don't want to have to rehome one. Yes they are both spayed hopefully its just a settling in thing. Thanks for your advice and i shall look at those links..
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Male Join date : 2016-09-01
Location : Pierre, SD

Bitches fighting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bitches fighting   Bitches fighting EmptyMon May 15, 2017 11:06 am

For two dogs that have been together just fine to suddenly turn on each other is not cool...but not unexpected when you flip their lives upside down.
Most animals, no matter how well conditioned to each other, will set up a dominance structure. When something changes in their lives, that dominance structure is disturbed. A new person in the home, moving to a new home, adding a new animal.

We introduced our 2nd dog to our 1st dog in the worst possible way. We just brought him home and tossed them in together with very little thought or preparation. Not surprisingly, several fights broke out as dominance was established. It calmed down quickly, and they got along fine for years. When our 3rd child was born, suddenly the dogs were back to fighting like wolves. Blood, cuts, scratches, bites. There was no change to how they were treated, but this new element in their lives disrupted a delicate balance.

You moved them to a new setting, which is stress enough, but there is also bound to be previous scents from the previous occupants pets.

Pet odors, scents, and markers last a considerable amount of time, and are much stronger to animals than they are to people. Give the entire house a thorough cleaning with some enzyme cleaners. Hit everything. Carpets, hard floors, cabinets, baseboards. Get as much of the previous animals out as possible.
This may or may not be an issue tied to the aggression, but it will help them feel more comfortable, and may help avoid other issues.

Next step is getting them familiar with the house. Take them both to every room. Spend some time in each room with both of them. It sounds like you'll need to do this yourself as they respond better to you. Get them acquainted with the entire house. The sounds, the smells, and make it known that neither of them gets to claim that space for themselves. Do the same outside and even around the neighborhood a little.

What I suspect is that the dominant dog is trying to establish her rules of conduct for the new environment. The non-dominant dog is not willing to just accept the new rules, and is fighting back to establish her position.
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Female Join date : 2013-06-14
Location : Missouri

Bitches fighting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bitches fighting   Bitches fighting EmptyMon May 15, 2017 6:06 pm

You say sniffing of the body. One dog sniffs the other then growls, or one sniffs the other and the one being sniffed growled? Could one of the dogs have a uti? A uti would change the ones smell slightly and combine that with a new place it's like she's a stranger.

Bitches fighting Huskyf10
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