I am new to the forum so please forgive me if this has already been addressed.
My puppy suffers from soft palete spasms pretty frequently (about once a day) and before I knew what was happening it was pretty scary. Also called reverse sneezing, soft palate spasms resemble gasping for air or choking. Her chest heaves sharply, she makes strange snorting/choking noises, and she can't move for the duration of the attack. After doing my research, I found that this is pretty normal and usually does not require medical attention. However, there are things you can do in the moment to help relieve your puppy of the discomfort. Here is a link to an article that can help if you have experienced this.
I hope this helps new pup owners who may not have experienced this before. Like I said, it can be scary but don't fret! There are easy ways to relive the symptoms immediately.