Ok, I know there are tons of threads about crate training and I've read through some of them, as well as the AKC's crate training guide and a few books...and Journey is still young but this is just strange.
Shaqua took to crate training rather quickly. Journey has decided, however, that the crate is where she goes potty. While we are in the living room she has actually walked into her crate to pee....Huh?
When I leave her alone (never more than a couple hours) she finds a way to poop in her crate- through the bars. No joke. This girl is smart.
At first I thought it was the bedding- The breeder had her in a small run with a "potty box" that had litter in it. So then I decided to try no bedding last night. No, she peed right on the plastic and pooped THROUGH the bars into the part of the crate that is partitioned off so that it is the right size for her right now. She was wet when I got up at 530 this morning to let her out.
I've been taking her to the bathroom immediately before she goes in the crate every time and I don't put her in until she's done both...I feed her in her crate...
She's still little so I want to be sure to correct this ASAP...
Any thoughts?