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 potty training issues

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Female Join date : 2013-09-08
Location : Birmingham, Al

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PostSubject: potty training issues   potty training issues EmptyTue Sep 24, 2013 12:18 pm

Hi, I have a 8 week old pup and she is doing pretty good with her house breaking, how ever lately she has been pooping in the house. We will stay outside for thirty minutes ad she will pee and poop but then ten minutes later in the house she will pee or an hour later she will poop again in the house. This has been going on for three days. And she is crate trained but for the past two days after taking her out to poop which she does ill come back home from being gone for thirty minutes to find poop in the crate and the crate is only big enough for her to make a circle. What am I doing wrong?
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Female Join date : 2013-02-11
Location : NYC

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PostSubject: Re: potty training issues   potty training issues EmptyTue Sep 24, 2013 12:52 pm

Nothing. :)How long have you had her? Some of them just take longer to learn. I had the same problem with my pup and can tell you it gets better. I had him totally potty trained by 4 months. What helped was having him tethered to me (so I could catch accidents as they happened), and always having my shoes on and a 'go' bag. I live in an apartment and if he asked to go out and I didn't have my shoes on, he would have an accident before I could get ready. My 'go' bag had, poop bags, treats, his leash, spare set of keys and a toy. I kept it by the door, so any time he looked at the door I could just grab my bag, pick him up, and head outside. We live on the third floor, so I had to carry him down the stairs, otherwise he's have a accident on the way down.

Edit - I should also mention that I would take him out every half hour at first. As he got a bit older I went down to every hour. Now, he asks when he needs to go out.
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Female Join date : 2013-09-08
Location : Birmingham, Al

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PostSubject: Re: potty training issues   potty training issues EmptyTue Sep 24, 2013 1:13 pm

Ive had her since she was 6 weeks and i take her out every 30 to 45 minutes. All her accidents are near the front door which means she knows how to get outside she just hasnt given me that "hey take me outside" look. and whats crazy is she eats twice a day but she poops like five times a day, is that normal?
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Female Join date : 2013-09-23
Location : Illinois

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PostSubject: Re: potty training issues   potty training issues EmptyTue Sep 24, 2013 1:34 pm

She's only 8 weeks're going to have some accidents. Give it some time.
Personally, I wouldn't give her 20-30 minutes out there to do her business. 5 minutes max, if she doesn't go, bring her back in. It's been a long time since I potty trained, so I don't remember exactly how many times per day, but yes, I do feel like she pooped more as a baby. I also tied my dog to me while awake to catch every "almost" moment. Think we were trained by 4 months, with a rare occassion accident until 6 months. But very rare by that point.
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Female Join date : 2013-09-08
Location : Birmingham, Al

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PostSubject: Re: potty training issues   potty training issues EmptyTue Sep 24, 2013 1:36 pm

Okay, thanks
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Female Join date : 2013-02-11
Location : NYC

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PostSubject: Re: potty training issues   potty training issues EmptyTue Sep 24, 2013 1:49 pm

I think the fact that she's having accidents by the front door is a good sign. My pup would do that too. I think at that age their control is so limited that by the time they realize they have to go outside, they have to go NOW. That's where my go bag came in handy. Dizzy pooped really frequently as well. He was so easily distracted that something would catch his attention part way through and I would think he was done, but he'd go again 10-30 min later. Also if she's by the front door pick her up and carry her out. For whatever reason, my pup would never have an accident on me, so if I knew he had to go, I would just carry him out.
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Female Join date : 2013-09-24
Location : Billerica, Mass.

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PostSubject: Re: potty training issues   potty training issues EmptyTue Sep 24, 2013 6:26 pm

Great advice about tethering the pup to you. I will be at home most of the time and we have two baby gates we will put up so Layla will have access to the den (where her crate is) and kitchen (food, water -- cupboards at floor level have been puppy-proofed), but since I work mainly upstairs and she will be based downstairs, I'm thinking I will move my base of operations down to the den so I can keep a close eye on her. If I have to be in another part of the house it'd be a good idea to have her tethered to me so I can always be watching.

Besides, puppies are so cute I would want to be spending every waking moment with them anyway! Smile
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Female Join date : 2012-11-03
Location : San Antonio, TX

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PostSubject: Re: potty training issues   potty training issues EmptyWed Sep 25, 2013 12:43 pm

Do the five minutes at a time deal, if she doesn't go, bring her back in and take her back out half an hour later. She's only 8 weeks old and even though you've had her since she was six weeks old, she can still only hold it for o so long. Take her out half an hour after she eats, right after she wakes up from any naps, and about half an hour after any play times. If she goes to the door, take her out, whether she gives you a signal or not. This way it teaches her that going to the door will get her outside. I also treated every time Karli went outside. Take her out right before you have to leave as well. Karli never had accidents in her crate but it could be that your pup was so young when you got her that its an issue for her. How much are you feeding her? Karli only pooped as a puppy maybe three times so it could be that you are feeding too much?
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Female Join date : 2013-09-08
Location : Birmingham, Al

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PostSubject: Re: potty training issues   potty training issues EmptyWed Sep 25, 2013 4:12 pm

I feed her three times a day
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