^ Haha. Lucky you! Neuter is definitely easier than spay! I'm glad I don't have a female.
So Mishka is doing really well with his neuter. He's healing well and Monday he got to go on two short walks around the block. Well, Monday evening he got a little too comfortable and tried to jump on the kitchen chair and missed. Needless to say I freaked out and he of course hit his stitches and they started bleeding! It was just a little blood, thankfully. I texted my vet tech (he's a friend) and he told me not to worry. I coned Mishka and gave him a sedative for the night.
He froze with the cone. It was the most pathetic thing.
He whined and cried all night long with that damn cone on though.
I took it off in the morning and he was SOOOO happy. Lol. I put it back on him before work and I had to literally pull his feet to get him to lay down in his kennel. -_-
But when I came home from work for lunch he seemed more comfortable with it.
His stitches are looking much better so he's cone free again for the time being. I just hope by this weekend it's doing better. He's driving me nuts since he's more energetic than usual with no long walks and tricks and games don't wear him out at all.