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 Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?!

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Join date : 2018-09-13

Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?! Empty
PostSubject: Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?!   Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?! EmptySat Jan 23, 2021 12:32 am

Hey everyone!

So I have been having this issue with my husky for about a year now and would like to know if anyone has had this happen to their husky or know why this crazy itching is happening.

Towards the end of our walk my husky will start to stop and itch his front left shoulder blade area only and will keep scratching till he gets home. It's usually towards the end of the walk and it's the same spot, front left shoulder area. I thought it was seasonal but it happens every season.

He mainly walks on pavement unless he has to go on grass to pee. He has been on a few different types of food; bison, fish etc. and the itching is still present. He is not injured and does not have any fleas or ticks. And I never see him itching inside the house, only towards the end of a walk.

Any help is appreciated.
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Female Join date : 2018-10-22
Location : Colorado

Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?!   Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?! EmptySun Jan 24, 2021 12:14 am

So what happens if you dont walk him. Not all allergies are food based, and since its the same area could be a plant or air pollution or something he is coming in contact with at a specific point in the walk. I wouldnt rule out pain of some sort and that the itching isnt itching at all but a pain sign. Especially since it happens at the end of the walk.

So i would take a completely different route to walk and if it happens then it may be a pain issue and of it doesnt happen its an external issue.

My German shepherd rubs his hip on the wall or does that thing where he gets my hand exactly where he wants it and then leans into my hand. Was the first sign we saw of hip dysplasia.
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Male Join date : 2014-08-18
Location : Terlingua, Texas

Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?!   Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?! EmptySun Jan 24, 2021 12:38 am

I like the way you're thinking @lostmaniac ... and I'll let it go at that.

Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?! S-event    Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?! S-event

“Properly trained, a man can be dog’s best friend.”

Corey Ford                    .
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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?!   Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?! EmptySun Jan 24, 2021 1:17 pm

Totally different perspective for you: perhaps neurogenic. Example: I have a totally trashed cervical spine with all sorts degenerative changes and stenosis. One result is a patch of numbness that wakes up into an itch periodically, just at the base of my right shoulder blade. I'm thinking, maybe the walking irritates a nerve somewhere along her spine and that is the cause of the itch. She could have a disc issue, an alignment issue or perhaps stenosis or other arthritic changes.
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Female Join date : 2018-10-22
Location : Colorado

Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?!   Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?! EmptySun Jan 24, 2021 2:18 pm

Those are very hard to diagnose without an mri. Most vet hospitals dont have one and the closest one to me is at an ortho specialist and i cant afford to take shadow there. Shadow has suspected gsd related spine problems.

Nerve problems can do all sorts of things. I get tactile/phantom issues in my legs. Sometimes it feels like my bones are being ripped apart. The middle of my foot lost feelong years ago but sometimes it feels itchy or like tingly and on fire. Strangely the pain does not bother me nearly as much as the weird feelings. And nothing is wrong with my legs lol its all from my spine so yeah it could be something that has nothing to do with the shoulder.

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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?!   Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?! EmptySun Jan 24, 2021 3:06 pm

@lostmaniac... Yeah. Weirdness. When I was highly symtomatic with my lumbar stenosis and they needed to rule out cauda equine syndrome (a surgical emergency), husband did a neuro exam on me before mri. Including pin prick sensation. I did not know I had a large patch of anesthesia on the outside of my right leg. I could not feel anything over most of my lateral lower leg. I didn't believe it, thought he must not have used enough pressure, so when I got home, I repeated the test using a fine needle. I poked and poked. Nothing. But a day later, I was covered with little, tiny, pin prick scabs Razz

Mortal of the story? If lack of sensation is suspected, let someone else do the pin prick test Rolling Eyes
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Join date : 2018-09-13

Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?!   Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?! EmptyWed Feb 03, 2021 9:52 pm

Thanks for all the replies everyone!

I just got back from the vet and she said everything looks perfectly normal and his skin and coat looks super healthy. She said that's the strangest itching scenario she's ever heard of.

She said since he itches close to home and it's not as severe, I shouldn't put him on medications, unless I wanted to.
Haha now i'm not sure what to do.
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Join date : 2018-09-13

Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?!   Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?! EmptyWed Feb 03, 2021 9:55 pm

Hmm the only thing I can think of is that the metal part of his martingale collar sits/touches around that exact left shoulder spot along with the metal clip of the leash, since I walk him on my right side.

....I'm not sure if that's the issue since I cant think of anything else. Could this be causing his itch, he has been wearing this collar for about 1.5 years?
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Female Join date : 2018-10-22
Location : Colorado

Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?!   Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?! EmptyWed Feb 03, 2021 10:02 pm

Yup very well could be. So not sure where you are but depending on climate the metal and his fur could be causing some annoying static.
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Join date : 2012-12-23
Location : Texas

Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?!   Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?! EmptyThu Feb 04, 2021 5:29 pm

If it ends up related to outdoor allergies perhaps try wiping him down in the itchy spots, on his paws, and face with baby wipes after walks.
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Join date : 2018-09-13

Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?!   Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?! EmptyThu Feb 04, 2021 10:56 pm

I'll try that too! Thanks!

I just thought it was odd that the vet didn't even bother to do a skin scrape test to see if it's any issues you cant visibly see, but like always I forget to bring it up.
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Join date : 2018-09-13

Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?!   Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?! EmptyMon May 31, 2021 10:39 pm

Sorry to bump this thread, but I could use some insight.

I visited 2 more vets and they both told me they couldn't find anything, the skin looks healthy.

Here's the strangest thing you will hear, I was looking around that area and I found that in that exact spot he itches, if I move the hair aside and sorta pull his skin apart gently, it will cause his skin to twitch and cause him pain making him yelp!! It is only in one exact small spot, and Only happens when I move the skin apart etc.

This is the spot he is itching, and I'm guessing walking irritates this spot.
It is also this exact spot only, and it doesn't happen on any other part of the body.

Please tell me any of you have heard of this and can help, I cant seem to find anything online similar to this and I've looked everywhere.
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Female Join date : 2013-06-14
Location : Missouri

Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?!   Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?! EmptyTue Jun 01, 2021 11:07 am

Is he microchipped? that is around the spot where a microchip would be implanted. Wonder if it has shifted and is bumping into something.

Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?! Huskyf10
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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?!   Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?! EmptyWed Jun 02, 2021 4:57 pm

Good thought, Jenn. I was also wondering, given the pinpoint location, if perhaps a foreign body that isn't being noticed.
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Male Join date : 2014-08-18
Location : Terlingua, Texas

Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?!   Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?! EmptyWed Jun 02, 2021 6:40 pm

Good response @TwisterII That sounds like a little "out of the box" thinking but I agree it sure sounds like something looking into.

Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?! S-event    Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?! S-event

“Properly trained, a man can be dog’s best friend.”

Corey Ford                    .
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Join date : 2018-09-13

Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?!   Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?! EmptyWed Jun 02, 2021 11:36 pm

Thanks for the tip everyone, but that's not it because my husky isn't chipped.

....But after spending HOURS looking through the internet and forums etc. I came across something that sounds exactly like what my husky has. It is called "Myofacial Pain" and apparently there trigger points that cause pain and skin twitches this when touched and is caused by overuse or other activites, slippery wood floor. Heres the article:

Have you guys ever heard of this? Apparently the solution is therapy or dry needling and there isn't any of these services close to where I live.
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Female Join date : 2018-10-22
Location : Colorado

Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?!   Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?! EmptyThu Jun 03, 2021 1:43 pm

So with racehorses they treat it with acupuncture or trigger point injections and sometimes cold laser therapy. Do you know any vets that have a large racing practice? Didnt know dogs got it but it does make sense that they would.

Not really sure where you live, but horse shows are a world of information on alt med/acupuncture/vet chiropractic practitioners. Some dont advertise and want a referral from an existing client.
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Help, husky has weird itch at the end of a walk?!

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