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 Foods high in fiber, liquid mushy poo??

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Female Join date : 2014-08-05
Location : Ireland

Foods high in fiber, liquid mushy poo?? Empty
PostSubject: Foods high in fiber, liquid mushy poo??   Foods high in fiber, liquid mushy poo?? EmptyTue Aug 12, 2014 5:56 am

Hey all,
We just got Orion a day ago, and we give him different food than what the other people gave him so I understand why his poop is all mushy(stress from moving, different food) but I feel like it's TOO liquid.

he literally just stands there, spreads his legs, curls his tail up, and it's like a light brown waterfall.

I know that fiber might help a lot with this but I'm not really sure what foods are rich in fiber that I can give him?? also is there anything else I can do?? Because I mean, he's still not potty trained so he obviously poops in the house at night and seriously, today I woke up to a PUDDLE of poo.
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Female Join date : 2013-02-11
Location : NYC

Foods high in fiber, liquid mushy poo?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Foods high in fiber, liquid mushy poo??   Foods high in fiber, liquid mushy poo?? EmptyTue Aug 12, 2014 9:29 am

Why did you switch his food? Call the breeder and ask what they were feeding and go get some. Even if its awful quality, you can't just switch his food that suddenly and expect everything to be okay. I had a lot of issues with Diz when I brought him home at 9 weeks, and I should have just kept it simple and kept him on the food the breeder gave him for a while. Even now, just about anything will give him the runs that is outside his normal routine, I have to be very careful about what treats and bones I give him. Overfeeding will also cause tummy problems. Step one is to get him back on the food he was used to. It's really hard on his little body to suddenly change foods like that.
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Female Join date : 2014-08-05
Location : Ireland

Foods high in fiber, liquid mushy poo?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Foods high in fiber, liquid mushy poo??   Foods high in fiber, liquid mushy poo?? EmptyTue Aug 12, 2014 10:41 am

forgot to mention that his new food is mixed with some of the food they had given us. it's still a change though.
we can't find the food they used around here. not in our shops. Though looking at the ingredients they seem very similar to those of what they had.
Although his poop was runny in the guy's car too so I'm thinking if it's something else, but can't really figure it out.

He'll have a vet appointment too so maybe he'll be able to do something.
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Female Join date : 2012-07-11
Location : Berwyn, IL

Foods high in fiber, liquid mushy poo?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Foods high in fiber, liquid mushy poo??   Foods high in fiber, liquid mushy poo?? EmptyTue Aug 12, 2014 10:46 am

Another possibility is that he could have worms or giardia. You might want to bring a stool sample in when you take him to the vet.
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Female Join date : 2014-06-26
Location : west Texas

Foods high in fiber, liquid mushy poo?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Foods high in fiber, liquid mushy poo??   Foods high in fiber, liquid mushy poo?? EmptyTue Aug 12, 2014 1:02 pm

Jenn and Beth are right on. Puppies transition from litter mates to your new home is very stressful on their tummies. Go back to the old food wait at least a week before slowly transitioning. Take a sample of poo to vet. Most kibble products are similar in ingredients, however, they are made differently and the end product may be just a little different enough to upset the tummy. Pure can pumpkin(not pie filling) is something you can add, to help firm up a bit, about a tablespoon once or twice a day for right now. But I do really agree with Jen and keep pup on old food, call breeder and ask them where you can get it.
Good luck, it's never fun and most of us have dealt with it.
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Female Join date : 2014-08-05
Location : Ireland

Foods high in fiber, liquid mushy poo?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Foods high in fiber, liquid mushy poo??   Foods high in fiber, liquid mushy poo?? EmptyTue Aug 12, 2014 4:57 pm

Thank you guys (: I read online that I could give him rice with chicken so I mixed some into his food today. He made a solid poop twice today so I think it may have helped a bit. Will definitely do so, it's late today so tomorrow the first thing I'll do is text the breeder, I'll ask them if maybe they could point me to a place where I can get it. I'll see how he does tomorrow, if it's watery again I'll try mixing some of the pumpkin in instead of rice(although I'm not sure if it's a good idea since it's a lot of different foods)

Thanks guys! I appreciate the help.
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Male Join date : 2013-12-27
Location : Michigan

Foods high in fiber, liquid mushy poo?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Foods high in fiber, liquid mushy poo??   Foods high in fiber, liquid mushy poo?? EmptyTue Aug 12, 2014 5:02 pm

I had the same problem with Nala they tried to give me prescription food and such but it didn't help and then we took her to get her shots I picked her up and poop went everywhere! SO gross, she ended up having worms Sad just make sure to take him to the vet to make sure if that is the case you dont want it to get worse! trust me!
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Join date : 2012-12-15

Foods high in fiber, liquid mushy poo?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Foods high in fiber, liquid mushy poo??   Foods high in fiber, liquid mushy poo?? EmptyTue Aug 12, 2014 9:27 pm

Sweet potato is another good stuff to solid the poo due to the high water absorb property.
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Female Join date : 2014-06-26
Location : west Texas

Foods high in fiber, liquid mushy poo?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Foods high in fiber, liquid mushy poo??   Foods high in fiber, liquid mushy poo?? EmptyWed Aug 13, 2014 1:04 am

Miya will be 2 in November and still has tummy issues at times. I rotate the pumpkin a couple of times a week, some dogs do fine with it, it hardens when needed and softens when needed. Some people use sweet potato, others green beans and others rice. I think a lot of it comes down to availability and ease of use. For me a can of pure pumpkin is around a dollar, I freeze half and give half over a weeks time. I personally have a harder time finding pure sweet potato canned, don't have a microwave to cook a fresh one, green beans she doesn't like and she has grain allergies so I don't use rice. It's trial and error and what works for you two. The worm issue is no joke, so get to the vet to make sure, and as gross as it sounds consistently check his poo, tape worm is evil to get rid of and doesn't always show up when vets check in the lab. I know this, and have dealt with this for a considerable amount of time, I'm not sure if that's a problem in Ireland, so you need to discuss with you vet what types of problems occur in your area. Here in the US we have worm/parasite, giardia, coccidia, the list can go on, but you get my point.
BTW, I know your introducing a lot of foods, once he's been checked by a vet, introducing pumpkin and the like is not a bad thing, Miya thinks it's a yummy treat.

Good Luck,
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Female Join date : 2014-08-05
Location : Ireland

Foods high in fiber, liquid mushy poo?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Foods high in fiber, liquid mushy poo??   Foods high in fiber, liquid mushy poo?? EmptyWed Aug 13, 2014 11:03 am

I'll try the pumpkin then, though here I think sweet potato is easier to get lol :p I texted the breeder and am waiting for a text back. He'll also be going to the vet very soon, so I'll see what he says.

Thanks guys (:
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