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 Jumping Problem Help

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Female Join date : 2012-08-22
Location : Albany New York

Jumping Problem Help Empty
PostSubject: Jumping Problem Help   Jumping Problem Help EmptySun Aug 25, 2013 5:30 pm

Hey Everyone,

My one year old has an issue with jumping up on new people (By jump I mean when they go to greet her she will put her front paws on them while standing on her hind legs) and people she likes, especially when she is excited to meet someone new or see. I would very much like to nip this habit without the use of obedience training.

I have tried both turning around ignoring her when she does this, she gets the point and eventually stops but next time it happens all over. I have also tried putting my knee into her chest (nothing forceful at all) to deter her from jumping up and doing this which also eventually deters her but neither thing has worked consistently or long term. I often prewarn people who meet her for the first time that she will do this and to do one of the above mentioned tactics but its hit or miss with whether or not the person does what I ask. A lot of times they will say its ok or I dont mind... which does not help the problem. I try and not say anything as she may take it as praise even if I say OFF or NO. I worry a lot with kids and small children as she could easily hurt them just because she gets so excited. She is not a huge dog... 50 lbs and not overly long but still I dont want to risk anything. The whole she is a puppy excuse has runs its course.

Any advice or suggestions would greatly be appreciated. Its honestly the worst thing she does but it drives me crazy somet times.


Scott and Kaia
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Female Join date : 2012-10-06
Location : Space Coast, Florida

Jumping Problem Help Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jumping Problem Help   Jumping Problem Help EmptySun Aug 25, 2013 7:01 pm

Luci is very bad about this too. Here's what we are doing: We put her on a leash and have her sit. Once she is sitting calmly, the person may pet her. As soon as she breaks her sit and/or raises a paw, the person stops petting until she is settled back down. (The leash is so we can control her, because she gets way crazy) Repeat as necessary, which for us was a BUNCH of times at first, but now so much now. It's been taking a lot of practice, and we have set backs when there is a length of time with no visitors willing to participate.
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Female Join date : 2012-08-22
Location : Albany New York

Jumping Problem Help Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jumping Problem Help   Jumping Problem Help EmptyMon Aug 26, 2013 2:01 am

WOW... Thank you. That sounds like an awesome idea

Def giving it a good try.


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Female Join date : 2012-08-22
Location : Albany New York

Jumping Problem Help Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jumping Problem Help   Jumping Problem Help EmptyMon Aug 26, 2013 2:01 am

How old is Luci by the way...
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Male Join date : 2012-06-19
Location : Las Vegas

Jumping Problem Help Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jumping Problem Help   Jumping Problem Help EmptyMon Aug 26, 2013 10:08 am

I second Samantha's suggestion. Lycus has the same problem but this is what I use and things have definitely gotten better. The hardest part is finding people that will work with you. Good luck with Kaia!
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Female Join date : 2012-08-22
Location : Albany New York

Jumping Problem Help Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jumping Problem Help   Jumping Problem Help EmptyMon Aug 26, 2013 10:47 am

Thanks Rocio,

You are absolutely right the toughest part has been getting others who she meets to respect the training and b cooperative with it. She really is a good girl and its tough because how do you get mad at your dog for being social and wanting to be friendly...but I guess there are limits to the excitedness and what is acceptable.

Such a fine line to tread.


I'll keep you all posted with her progress.
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Female Join date : 2012-10-06
Location : Space Coast, Florida

Jumping Problem Help Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jumping Problem Help   Jumping Problem Help EmptyFri Aug 30, 2013 9:17 pm

SiberianKaia wrote:
How old is Luci by the way...
Sorry I didn't reply sooner. I've been offline. Luci just turned 10 months.
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Male Join date : 2012-12-06
Location : Seattle, WA

Jumping Problem Help Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jumping Problem Help   Jumping Problem Help EmptyFri Aug 30, 2013 9:21 pm

You just need to sternly train the people. She's in training, and they can respect that, or they can stop interacting with the dog. Personally, Im pretty rude when people ignore my requests with training dogs.
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Female Join date : 2013-06-26
Location : Wisconsin

Jumping Problem Help Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jumping Problem Help   Jumping Problem Help EmptyFri Aug 30, 2013 10:58 pm

Loki has never been given attention for jumping while greeting. He only gets attention for sits. Even in puppy school, 2 trainers were moving their arms and talking to him in puppy voice and he sat with his tail wagging. I have disabled mom so my dogs cannot jump on her. I just tell others I need their help when we were working with him and they all did. Hang in there and a few months it should be better.

Also whenever she sits when she approaches make a big deal of it with lots of attention and treats. Ignore immediately if she jumps. I had to remind my fiance for like 2 months when he would come home if loki sat he had to make big deal of it too.

At this point he pretty much always does auto sit when meeting anyone or when people come over.
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